- 【形】
1. tussal
2. tussive
- 咳の介助 assisted coughing
- 咳の促進 encouragement of coughing
- 咳の悪化 worsening cough
- 咳の発作 1. coughing fits 2. coughing spell 3. spell of coughing
- 咳のひどい発作 bad attack of coughing
- 咳の発作に苦しむ suffer from coughing spells
- 断続的な咳の音 sound of one's continual coughing
- 激しい咳の発作 paroxysm of coughing
- ひどく咳の出る病気 bad cough
- 咳の出る風邪にかかる 1. catch a cough 2. get a cough
- 咳の出る風邪をひく have a cold on the chest
- ひどく咳の出る風邪にかかる get a bad cough
- 偽の咳の発作を起こしてみせる stage a fake coughing
- 周期的な咳の発作に苦しむ suffer from periodic fits of coughing
- 咳の飛沫を介して人から人に伝染する be transmitted from person to person in cough droplets
- Soji okita: died may 30 , 1868 from tuberculosis
沖田総司:1868年5月30日、労咳のため死去。 - Not after you've just coughed your lungs all over it .
咳の原因じゃ? - And she hadn't yet received her first vaccine against whooping cough .
百日咳のワクチンを まだ受けていませんでした - You might want to take something for that cough . it's really annoying .
咳の為に何か飲んだ方がいい 本当に気に障る - Guess it's got a cough , too .