It's just that we got so used to narusesan's 最近は ほら 成瀬さんの絶品料理に
It is usually served as a separate dish , including shirako yaki (grilled shirako ), shirako age (deep fried shirako ) and shirako dofu (steamed and jellied shirako which look like tofu ), etc . 白子焼き、白子揚げ、白子豆腐などの一品料理として出されることが多い。
Sukiyaki in okinawa is an a-la-carte dish made from meat , vegetables and tofu boiled together for sweetness and then served on a plate with a raw egg (or an egg fried sunny-side up .) 沖縄のすきやきは、肉と野菜、豆腐を甘く煮合わせたものに生卵(あるいは目玉焼き)を乗せて平皿に盛った一品料理である。