人的資源の質の低下 deterioration in the quality of human resources
人的資源の質の低下に歯止めをかける halt the deterioration in the quality of human resources
I knew there would be a drop in quality , but 68% ? 品質の低下は覚悟 してたけど 68%?
In addition , round shaped coins were needed since square coins drastically deteriorated as their four corners became worn through circulation . また方形の貨幣は流通に従って四隅が摩耗するなど、品質の低下が激しく、円形通貨の必要性も叫ばれた。
Regarding this abolishment , many experts are concerned that , even if cost reduction is attempted by brewing junmaishu with the rice-polishing ratio of about 75% which is almost equal to that of futsushu , the consumers who do not find the difference of the taste gladly choose less expensive sake , which will lead to lowering sake brewing technologies and quality , resulting in further contribution to worsening the period of sluggish consumption of japanese sake . だが、この撤廃に関しては、普通酒なみに75%程度の精米歩合で純米酒を造ってコストダウンを図っても、味がわからない消費者は喜んで安価な酒を選択し、ひいては酒造技術と品質の低下につながり、ますます日本酒消費低迷期が進むものとして危惧している専門家も多い。