- press one's lips together
- 結ぶ 結ぶ むすぶ to tie to bind to link
- ぶ ぶ 分 rate part percentage one percent thickness odds chance of winning
- 手をギュッと握る squeeze someone's hand〔人の〕
- ギュッと口を結ぶ 1. clamp one's lips (together) 2. purse one's lips
- 口をギュッと閉める clamp one's mouth shut
- 手をギュッと握り返す squeeze someone's hand back〔人の〕
- 手首をギュッとつかむ 1. seize someone's by the wrist 2. seize someone's wrist〔人の〕
- 手首をギュッと握る grip someone's wrist with strength〔人の〕
- 目をギュッと閉じる 1. clench one's eyelids tightly shut 2. screw one's eyes up
- 肩をギュッとつかむ squeeze someone's shoulder〔人の〕
- 彼は彼女をギュッと抱き締めた He held her hard against him.
- 手をギュッと握り握手する shake someone's hand with a very firm grasp〔人の〕
- 新聞紙をギュッと丸めて作ったボール tightly scrunched up ball of newspaper
- 枕をギュッと胸に抱きかかえる clutch a pillow to one's chest [breast]
- ギュッと引く pull firmly