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  • 商業史
    history of commerce
  • 商業     商業 しょうぎょう commerce trade business
  • 産業史    industrial history
  • 農業史    agricultural history
  • 商業    商業 しょうぎょう commerce trade business
  • 企業史料協議会     【組織】 Business Archives Association〔 【略】 BAA◆ 【URL】 http://www.baa.gr.jp/ 〕
  • 日本農業史学会     【組織】 Agricultural History Society of Japan〔 【URL】 http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/sah/〕
  • 商業の     【形】 1. commercial 2. mercantile 3. merchant
  • 商業化    商業化 しょうぎょうか commercialization
  • 商業区    mercantile quarter
  • 商業国    商業国 しょうぎょうこく mercantile nation
  • 商業地    商業地 しょうぎょうち business district
  • 商業学    商業学 しょうぎょうがく commercial science
  • 商業年    1. business year〔 【対】 calendar year〕 2. commercial year
  • 商業文    商業文 しょうぎょうぶん commercial correspondence
  • 商業林    commercial forest


  • In 1892 , he compiled " teikoku shogyoshi kogiroku " (lectures on japanese commercial history ) and used it as a textbook , which received recognition and led him to become a professor in 1895 .
  • In the meantime , he continued his studies and published his best-known works—first " nihon shogyoshi " (history of japanese commerce ) and then " nihon kogyoshi " (history of japanese industry )—in 1898; in recognition of these works , he was awarded the title of doctor of literature in 1902 , which helped establish his position as a historian .
  • In 1904 , when tokyo senmon gakko was renamed waseda university with establishment of the department of commerce , he cooperated in its launch with tameyuki amano and taught japanese commercial history concurrently as the professor of tokyo koto shogyo gakko (tokyo higher commercial school ) and as the instructor of waseda university; however , he became sick before long and died of illness at the young age of 48 (the age of 46 by the currently used age system ).
  • In addition to working as a regular ministry of finance official , soeda gave a course in economics at tokyo imperial university , tokyo senmon gakko (present-day waseda university ), senshu school (present-day senshu university ), and gakushuin (at senchu school , which was established by his former teacher and boss inajiro tajiri , he worked with his colleague , yoshio sakatani , who entered the ministry in the same year , and they were in charge of classes in history of commerce ).
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