In 1892 , he compiled " teikoku shogyoshi kogiroku " (lectures on japanese commercial history ) and used it as a textbook , which received recognition and led him to become a professor in 1895 . 明治25年(1892年)に『帝国商業史講義録』を編纂してのテキストとして用い、それが評価されて明治28年(1895年)には教授となる。
In the meantime , he continued his studies and published his best-known works—first " nihon shogyoshi " (history of japanese commerce ) and then " nihon kogyoshi " (history of japanese industry )—in 1898; in recognition of these works , he was awarded the title of doctor of literature in 1902 , which helped establish his position as a historian . その間も研究を重ねて、明治31年(1898年)には、代表作となる『日本商業史』・『日本工業史』を相次いで刊行、明治35年(1902年)には、両書によって文学博士を授与されて、歴史学者としての地位を築いた。
In 1904 , when tokyo senmon gakko was renamed waseda university with establishment of the department of commerce , he cooperated in its launch with tameyuki amano and taught japanese commercial history concurrently as the professor of tokyo koto shogyo gakko (tokyo higher commercial school ) and as the instructor of waseda university; however , he became sick before long and died of illness at the young age of 48 (the age of 46 by the currently used age system ). 明治37年(1904年)、東京専門学校が早稲田大学となり商科が設置されると、天野為之とともにその立ち上げに協力、東京高等商業学校教授と早稲田大学講師を兼務して日本商業史を教える、だが、間もなく病に倒れ、48歳(満年齢では46歳)の若さで病死した。
In addition to working as a regular ministry of finance official , soeda gave a course in economics at tokyo imperial university , tokyo senmon gakko (present-day waseda university ), senshu school (present-day senshu university ), and gakushuin (at senchu school , which was established by his former teacher and boss inajiro tajiri , he worked with his colleague , yoshio sakatani , who entered the ministry in the same year , and they were in charge of classes in history of commerce ). 添田は現役の大蔵官僚としての生活の傍ら、東京帝国大学、東京専門学校(現・早稲田大学)、専修学校(現・専修大学)、学習院などで経済学を講じており(恩師・上司であった田尻稲次郎が設立した専修学校では、同僚・同期の阪谷芳郎とともに出講し商業史などを担当)。