The station is located in the commercial area . 周辺は商業地域。
That are well distinct from production areas 生産地域と商業地域から
And i had the pleasure to work 私は中心の商業地域の 開発に携われたことを
On the central plaza . 私は中心の商業地域の 開発に携われたことを
Well , the space is zoned for retail ; you have to come up with something . 「ここは商業地域に属している 何か考えて
There were many markets in ancient iwakiri , making it the largest commercial area in the tohoku region . 古代の岩切には多数の市場ができ、東北地方最大の商業地域となった。
These types of soba restaurants are usually seen at railroad stations and their surrounding areas , in urban and commercial areas including business districts and at entertainment facilities such as theme parks , baseball parks and race courses . これらは、鉄道駅やその周辺地域、ビジネス街などの市街地・商業地域、あるいは遊園地、野球場や競馬場などの遊興施設などに多い。
Also , suburban type restaurants , entertainment facilities and large-scaled suburban stores moved in , alongside the shiratori kaido road (kyoto prefecture road no . 28 , ogura nishi maizuru line ) connecting the east and the west town areas of maizuru , and alongside the national road no . 27 in nishi-maizuru , with the market area extending to the neighboring municipalities as the new kita-kinki market area . また東西両舞鶴市街地を結ぶ白鳥街道(京都府道28号小倉西舞鶴線)沿いや、西舞鶴の国道27号線沿いには郊外型飲食店や娯楽施設、大規模小売店などが立地するなど、北近畿の商業地域として近隣市町村にその商圏を広げている。
Even today , while the limited area surrounding the station is a commercial district--since plaza shugakuin is located in the eastern area of the station and there are a few supermarkets in the western area , including fresco (supermarket ) shugakuin store , which is adjacent to the station (it has an entrance on the side of a platform )--the area slightly farther from the station is a residential district with the exception of the district along kitayama-dori street and shirakawa-dori street . 現在でも駅のごく周辺は、駅東側のプラザ修学院、駅西側に隣接(ホーム側にも入口あり)したフレスコ (スーパー)修学院店の他、数件のスーパーマーケットもある商業地域であるが、駅から少し離れると北山通、白川通沿い以外は住宅地となっている。