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発音記号:[ shànyì ]  読み方
"善意"の例文"善意" 意味"善意" 中国語の意味


  • 善意
    good faith
    good will
    good intentions
    favorable sense


  • Watching how good intentions for community empowerment
  • And i know it was done with the best intentions .
    それが 善意からだという事もわかってる
  • And i know it was done with the best intentions .
    それが 善意からだという事もわかってる
  • That's why everyone is gathered today .
    今日のイベントの趣旨は 孤児への善意を集めることですよね
  • What i hope is that beyond individual merciful acts
    僕の望みは 個人の善意という範囲を超えて
  • Not only in lives saved , but in goodwill , stability
    人の命を救うだけじゃない 善意 安定
  • Not only in lives saved , but in goodwill , stability
    人の命を救うだけじゃない 善意 安定
  • I've never been much of a dogooder , nick .
    俺はな ニック 善意の押し売り等した事がない
  • I've never been much of a dogooder , nick .
    俺はな ニック 善意の押し売り等した事がない
  • I just didn't realize you were helping people for the glory .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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