In 1911 , he changed his name to sajin sakurama in commemoration of kiju (the cerebration of a person ' s 77th birthday ). 1911年喜寿を記念して櫻間左陣と改名。
Kanreki (the celebration of a person ' s 60th birthday ), kiju (77th birthday ), sanju (80th birthday ), hanju (81st birthday ), beiju (88th birthday ), sotsuju (90th birthday ), hakuju (99th birthday ), hyakuju (100th birthday ), chaju (108th birthday ), dai kanreki (120th birthday ) and tenju (250th birthday ). - 還暦(60歳)、喜寿(77歳)、傘寿(80歳)、半寿(81歳)、米寿(88歳)、卒寿(90歳)、白寿(99歳)、百寿(100歳)、茶寿(108歳)、大還暦(120歳)、天寿(250歳)
Chasen with red string is typically used for celebrations of longevity , and among them one having the knot on its upper part is used for kanreki (celebration of one ' s 60th birthday ) and koki (cerebration of one ' s 70th birthday ) and one without a knot is used for kiju (cerebration of one ' s 77th birthday ) and beiju (celebration of one ' s 88th birthday ). 赤糸の茶筅の代表的なものが長寿の祝い事に用いられる祝茶筅で、還暦や古希では元節、喜寿や米寿では節無しとする。
The traditional events such as shichigosan shichi-go-san (a day of prayer for the healthy growth of young children celebrated when they turn three , five , or seven years old ) or toshiiwai (the celebration for certain ages ) (e .g . koki (the cerebration of a person ' s seventieth birthday ), kiju (the cerebration of a person ' s seventy-seventh birthday ), etc .) originally used the traditional japanese age system . 伝統行事である七五三や年祝い(古希・喜寿など)も、本来、数え年で行われてきた。