大敗を喫する 1 1. suffer a crushing loss 2. suffer a stunning setback 3. take a cleaning 4. take a shellacking 大敗を喫する 2 1. get a pounding from 2. take a pounding from〔~から〕
大敗北を喫する 1. get a terrible beating 2. meet one's Waterloo 3. meet one's water-logged 4. suffer a heavy loss 5. take a terrible beating
敗北を喫する 1 1. bite [eat, kiss] the dust 2. encounter [meet with] (a) defeat / sustain defeat 3. receive a setback 4. suffer (a) defeat 5. suffer a loss 6. take it on the chin [nose] 7. take the beating 敗北を喫する
Could you two stop reveling in your newlywed affection at work ? 仕事中に新婚気分 満喫するの やめてもらえるかな
I was 26 . i remember sitting there 旅を満喫する余裕はありません
And let me enjoy what i still have . 満喫するようにしています
Totally intolerable that we sit here in comfort and in pleasure and enjoying くつろいで人生の喜びを満喫することに
One of your assignments is to take the mindfulness skills , the savoring skills 集中する技術や満喫する技術を身につけさせます
In may , the taira clan army was defeated badly in the battle of kurikara-toge . 5月、倶利伽羅峠の戦いで平氏軍は大敗を喫する。
The taira clan ' s force was crushingly defeated by yoritomo at the battle of fujigawa . 平氏軍は富士川の戦いにおいて頼朝に大敗を喫する。
This uselessness of the navy was one of the reasons that china suffered a crushing defeat during the opium war . このことは1840年のアヘン戦争に大敗を喫する一因となった。
However , he had suffered a crushing defeat in the battle against the kono clan that had reinforcements from the mori clan . が、毛利氏の援兵を受けた河野氏と戦って大敗を喫する。
However , the western camp led by mitsunari was defeated by the tokugawa side on october 21 , without hidetada ' s army . しかし三成率いる西軍は、9月15日に秀忠軍ぬきの徳川方に敗北を喫する。