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  • I got caught up in the imbroglio between the smokers and the nonsmokers.
  • 喫煙     喫煙 きつえん smoking
  • もめ     もめ 揉め quarrel trouble dispute
  • ごと     ごと 毎 each respectively
  • 巻き     turn of wire
  • きこ     きこ 旗鼓 banner and drums army
  • こま     こま 駒 shoogi pieces 独楽 a top 齣 frame (e.g. in film)
  • まれ     まれ 希 稀 rare seldom
  •      た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
  • 喫煙者     喫煙者 きつえんしゃ smoker
  • ごとに     ごとに 毎に one by one each every at intervals of
  • 非喫煙者     非喫煙者 ひきつえんしゃ non-smoker
  • もめごと     もめごと 揉め事 揉事 quarrel trouble dispute friction (between people)
  • 非喫煙者    非喫煙者 ひきつえんしゃ non-smoker
  • 喫煙者    喫煙者 きつえんしゃ smoker
  • 喫煙者の急増    rapid increase of smokers
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