- 嗅覚
the sense of smell
- 嗅覚の 【形】 olfactory
- 嗅覚力 olfactory acuity
- 嗅覚器 1. olfactus organ 2. organ of smell 3. organum olfactus 4. smell organ
- 嗅覚学 osmics
- 嗅覚枝 olfactory branch
- 嗅覚系 olfactory system
- 嗅覚計 嗅覚計 olfactometer[医生]
- 嗅覚路 olfactory pathway
- 嗅覚野 olfactory area
- 無嗅覚 1. absent sense of smell 2. absent smell 3. anospheria 4. anosphrasia
- 異嗅覚 allotriosmia
- 不快な嗅覚 unpleasant smell sensation
- 低度嗅覚性 低度嗅覚性 microsmatic...[医生]
- 優れた嗅覚 highly-developed sense of smell
- 副嗅覚器 accessory olfactory organ
- And its olfactory receptors , which allow it to smell
匂いを嗅ぐために必要な嗅覚器も - The bigger mystery is her sense of smell .
というか こいつの嗅覚の方が俺にはよほど謎なんだが - The fact that bees have a very strong olfactory sense
蜂の嗅覚は 非常に鋭いということです - To that new bakery that you've been looking for .
嗅覚に任せて探し当てることができるかもしれません - And there's nothing wrong with my sense of smell .
嗅覚が悪いわけではありません - So they're working on enhancing everything: touch , smell
触覚や嗅覚など あらゆる感覚を高めて - Lizard have incredible hearing and accute sense of smell .
トカゲなら 嗅覚と聴覚が発達してる - Lizard have incredible hearing and accute sense of smell .
トカゲなら 嗅覚と聴覚が発達してる - Sight , smell , sound , taste ... and touch .
視覚 嗅覚 聴覚 味覚 そして触覚 - Sight , smell , sound , taste ... and touch .
視覚 嗅覚 聴覚 味覚 そして触覚