Aerosol dispersant , that's what it said in the records . 噴霧分散 記録にあった
This is a plan to brighten the reflectance of ocean clouds 海上の雲に海水を噴霧して
All of the damn chem trails in the sky . 細菌兵器の空中噴霧を、
That every time a toilet is flushed , its contents are aerosolized トイレが流される度に 便器の中身が噴霧となって
This is a picture of fogging . この写真は噴霧しているところです
Cycle that's a sprayer , cycle that 噴霧器自転車や
And then she sprayed . そして彼女は噴霧した
Those are your foggers . あれは噴霧器
Subsequently , the fillet is sprayed with a pure culture of aspergillus glaucus , and it ' s kept in a tightly closed room so that the fungus will multiply . その後純粋培養したカツオブシカビを噴霧し、閉め切った室に入れ、カビを繁殖させる。
In china , paper is moistened before it is put on an object such as a stone or a piece of metal to make a shittaku , but in japan , paper is first put on the object and then moistened with a water spray , a wet towel , or a wet brush so that the paper sticks to the object . 中国では湿拓は紙を湿らせて対象物の石や金属に貼り付けるが、日本では紙を対象物に貼り付けてから、噴霧器やタオル、刷毛などで湿らせて密着させる。