- habituate oneself to hardship
- 困苦 困苦 こんく privation hardship
- 慣れ 慣れ なれ practice experience
- る る 僂 bend over
- 慣れる 慣れる なれる to grow accustomed to
- 困苦に慣れている be inured to hardship [distress]
- 船に慣れる find one's sea (on)
- 効果に慣れる become accustomed to the effects of〔~の〕
- 批判に慣れる become inured to criticism
- 新車に慣れる get the feel of a new car
- 暑さに慣れる get used to the heat
- 次第に慣れる adjust gradually to〔~に〕
- 状況に慣れる familiarize oneself with a situation
- 環境に慣れる 1. become comfortable with the environment 2. grow into an environment
- 生活に慣れる get used to life in〔~での〕
- 考えに慣れる get [become] used to the idea of〔~という〕