The domestic kikyoku are mostly made of mulberry , paulownia and zelkova . 国産品は桑、桐、ケヤキ製が多い。
All major parts as well as funnels were all domestically produced . 主要部品のボイラーや煙管なども国産品であった。
However , advancement of japanese silk production technology in the 18th century diminished the imports of chinese products , which had devastating effects on busan trade . しかし18世紀になって日本でも絹生産の技術が向上すると、中国産品の輸入が減少し、釜山交易に打撃を与えた。
The tsushima clan made huge profits from this relay trade of chinese products , with its stipend was estimated as over 100 ,000 koku (approximately 18 million liters of crop yield ). 対馬藩はこの中国産品の中継貿易によって巨額の利益を上げ、藩の禄高は実質10万石以上とされた。
Korea exported to japan not only korean products including asian ginseng and tiger leather , but also chinese products including raw silk thread and silk textile , which were its biggest exports in the early edo period . 朝鮮側は朝鮮人参、トラ皮などの朝鮮産品も輸出したが、江戸時代前期の最大の輸出品は生糸、絹織物などの中国産品であった。
While korea was able to obtain those chinese products through the tribute trade and border trade , japan could not do anything but wait for the chinese smuggling ships , as japan had been denied entry to ming . 朝鮮はこれら中国産品を、朝貢貿易や国境貿易で入手することができたが、日本は明への入港を拒絶されていたため中国密貿易船の来航を待つしかなかった。
In 1118 , he was born in ubushina , ise no kuni (ubushina , ise province , which is currently ubushina , tsu city , mie prefecture ) as the first son of taira no tadamori , who was the head of the ise branch of the taira clan . 元永元年(1118年)、伊勢平氏の頭領である平忠盛の嫡子として伊勢国産品(うぶしな、現在の三重県津市産品)で生まれる。
At the time of absolute monarchy , sumptuary laws were issued to the public in order to limit exports and to boost consumption of domestic products , thus enabling kings and nobles to establish their superiority as well as to promote mercantilism . 絶対王政期には、国王及び貴族の優位性を確立することと重商主義の観点から輸入を抑制して国産品の消費を拡大させるために民衆に対して奢侈禁止令が出された。
Entering the meiji period , he expressed " saibai keizairon " (literally , " the theory of cultivating the economies " ) and severely criticized cultural enlightenment , asserting agricultural fundamentalism , national seclusion and the use of domestically produced goods . 明治に入ってからも『栽培経済論』を表して文明開化を痛烈に批判して農本主義・鎖国体制の堅持・国産品推奨を主張した。
Although the curry power from crosse & blackwell (cb ), a british company , had been considered as high quality , it was expensive , and inexpensive copycat products that included extenders or replaced the content with domestically made powder appeared on the market . イギリスのクロス・アンド・ブラックウェル(CB)社のカレー粉は、品質がよいとされていたが値段が高く、増量材を混ぜたり中身を国産品に詰め替えた安価な偽物が出回った。