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  • convince someone to accept a U.N. investigation into the allegations of a massacre〔人に〕
  • 国連     国連 こくれん U.N. United Nations
  • 通じ     通じ つうじ passage evacuation movement of the bowels
  • じた     じた 自他 oneself and others transitive and intransitive
  • 虐殺     虐殺 ぎゃくさつ atrocity massive killing
  • 疑惑     疑惑 ぎわく doubt misgivings distrust suspicion
  • 解明     解明 かいめい elucidation explication
  • 受け     受け うけ receiving holder defense reputation agreement
  • 入れ     入れ いれ container receptacle
  • せる     せる 競る to compete to bid to sell at auction
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • 疑惑の     【形】 alleged
  • させる     させる to make (someone) do
  • 受け入れ     受け入れ うけいれ receiving acceptance
  • ~を受け入れさせる    1. sell someone ~ / sell ~ to 2. sell ~ on someone〔人に〕
  • 査察を受け入れさせる    compel ~ to submit to inspections〔~に〕
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