- progress made toward settlement of the regional conflicts
- 地域 地域 ちいき area region
- 紛争 紛争 ふんそう dispute trouble strife
- 解決 解決 かいけつ settlement solution resolution
- 進展 進展 しんてん progress development
- 地域紛争 地域紛争 ちいきふんそう regional conflict
- 紛争解決 1. conflict resolution 2. dispute settlement 3. resolution of a dispute 4.
- 地域紛争解決への貢献 contributions to resolving regional conflicts
- 紛争解決へのアプローチ approaches to resolving conflicts
- ~間の問題解決への進展 progress toward the solution of the problems between
- 地域紛争解決に向けた取り組みを通じて地域の安定を達成する achieve regional stability through efforts toward resolution of regional conflicts
- 地域紛争を解決する 1. achieve a solution to a regional conflict 2. resolve regional conflicts
- 地域紛争 地域紛争 ちいきふんそう regional conflict
- 紛争解決 1. conflict resolution 2. dispute settlement 3. resolution of a dispute 4. resolution of conflict 5. solution of the conflict
- 地域紛争問題 regional disturbance issues
- 紛争解決了解 Dispute Settlement Understanding〔 【略】 DSU◆WTO における紛争解決の規則および手続きを定める了解〕