On the morning dews of the vast field of ochi grows alga 玉垂の 越智の大野の 朝露に 玉藻はひづち
This is said to be the origin of hitatare . これが直垂の起源と思われる。
It's just a little above the appendix . 虫垂の やや上あたりです。
My dear whom i touched the sleeves , i pass to ochino , i missed to see you 敷布の袖交へし君玉垂の 越智野に過ぎぬまたも逢はめやも
In the practice or examination for rank of nihon kendo kata , only the tare is worn . また、日本剣道形の稽古や審査では垂のみを着装する。
I can upload an image of the tread pattern , check to see if there's any sort of ... 私は懸垂の代わりにそれをできるわ。 画像をアップロードして、
The texture used in hitatare was not consistent , but shogun of the muromachi bakufu wore white silk with no family crest . 直垂の素材は一定しないが、室町幕府将軍は白の無紋の絹を多く用いた。
As for hitatare , a beautiful fabric called miruiro is used , which changes its colors when seen from different angles . 直垂の場合、生地は海松色(みるいろ)と呼ばれる、見る角度によって色彩が変わる美しいものが使われる場合が多い。
No matter who the other people were , lacquered and painted headgear was worn and armor worn over court robes and a long sword carried . その他の者どももいずれも縁塗または折烏帽子に鎧直垂の上に鎧を着し、太刀を佩く。
(2 ) it was a robe worn by buke (samurai family members ) below hitatare (a kind of court dress in old days ) of hitoe made with a white cloth crisply starched . (2)武家で、糊を強くひいた白布で仕立て、単の直垂の下に重ねて着た衣。