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"垂れ幕"の例文"垂れ幕" 意味"垂れ幕" 中国語の意味


  • 垂れ幕
    hanging screen
  • 垂れ     垂れ たれ hanging straw curtain lapel pocket flap skirts of a coat gravy soy sauce
  •      幕 とばり curtain bunting act (in play)
  • 垂れ幕 1    1. drop curtain 2. hanging curtain 垂れ幕 2 banner〔歓迎の〕
  • 大きな肉太の活字で印刷された販売促進用の垂れ幕    promotional banner in large bold print
  • 垂れ    垂れ たれ hanging straw curtain lapel pocket flap skirts of a coat gravy soy sauce
  • 前垂れ    前垂れ まえだれ apron
  • 垂れ 1    sag 垂れ 2 lappet〔衣服の〕
  • 垂れる    垂れる たれる to hang to droop to dangle to sag to lower to pull down to leave behind (at death) to give to confer to drip to ooze to trickle to drop
  • 垂れ乳    droopy breasts
  • 垂れ板    drop leaf
  • 垂れ玉    teardrop〔イヤリングなどの〕
  • 垂れ目    垂れ目 たれめ drooping eyes
  • 垂れ耳    垂れ耳 たれみみ lop-eared
  • 垂れ花    lady's-earrings
  • 垂れ足    drop foot


  • Because you don't want to make the banner by yourself
    1人で垂れ幕 作るの嫌だから➡
  • Wait just a little longer !
    ごめん 垂れ幕 持ってくるのにもう少しかかるって そこで待ってて
  • Wait just a little longer !
    ごめん 垂れ幕 持ってくるのにもう少しかかるって そこで待ってて
  • Put up this banner , started a twitter campaign
  • Put up this banner , started a twitter campaign
  • Yuzokun made the banner and decorations .
  • Third in the nation , and had a parade . weren't they third or fourth ?
    垂れ幕掲げて パレードだよ。 3位か 4位でしょ。
  • A target hidden by a blindfold or cloth draped in front of the target .
    - 目隠しまたは、的の手前に垂れ幕の布で隠す事で、位置が特定できない的。
  • Ninagawa ' s administration hung a banner reading ' let ' s make the constitution live in our lives ' from kyoto prefectural office building .
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