He established the national folk museum of korea in keijo prefecture (present day seoul special city ) in 1924 . 1924年、京城府(現:ソウル特別市)に朝鮮民族美術館を設立。
Its head office was initially located at hanseong (keijo as it was renamed upon the annexation of korea , and seoul special city as it is known today ). 当初は漢城(韓国併合後、京城府に改名)(現在のソウル特別市)に本店を置いた。
He also competed with kiyomasa to see which one could get to keijo prefecture first for attack and outwitted him to get there one day earlier . さらに京城府攻めに関しても、どちらが先に一番乗りするかを争い、一日の差で清正を出し抜いたという。