They are carried on sledges or wheeled carriages to the betsugu of the naiku outside the precincts . また域外の内宮別宮へは橇または奉曳車による陸曳となる。
There were states outside of the territory , especially the southern state of kuna , where a king called himikoko ruled , and was feuding and at war with yamatai . 領域外の国々もあり、特に男王卑弥弓呼が治める南の狗奴国とは不和で戦争状態にあった。
There can be a monopolization for the people within the region instead of tax and a monopolization for exclusive sales on the market outside the region . 域内の人民に対して租税の代わりとして専売を行う方法と域外の市場に対して独占的に販売する専売が考えられる。
In such a group , vertical relationships were developed according to the roles of ritual services or positions within the group; people inside the village were even excluded , much less people outside the village because the positions within the group were limited . こうした組織では神事での役割や座席の地位に従って上下関係が生み出され、座席の席が限定される事から地域外の者は勿論のこと、地域内の者に対しても排他的な組織を形成するに至った。