The name of the school is based on ' kanze (maru )' , the child name (or stage name ) of kanami , who was the founder of the school . 流儀の名は流祖観阿弥の幼名(芸名とも)である「観世(丸)」に基く。
Although a word " noroi " has a similar meaning to tatari , the latter mainly indicates a punishment by shinto and buddhist deities whereas the former mainly originates from human resentment . 同じような語句として呪いもあるが、ニュアンスとしては祟りが神仏による懲罰の意味合いが強く、呪いは人為的な怨恨に基く意味合いが強い。
(the materials being used to collect above information were not from publications of religious groups who didn ' t have objective materials for researchers , but instead the information came from the chronicle of a local history book , as the history of the city and town , being part of the materials of the library of official documents .) 〔尚、上記 加筆に用いた資料として、研究者には客観性に乏しい教団サイドの出版物は一切無視し、郷土史誌、市・町史、公文書館等史料に基く補筆に努めた。〕
There is one of the five articles " evil customs of the past shall be broken off and everything based upon the just laws of nature " and its draft version " evil customs of the past shall be broken off and everything based upon accepted orders of the whole world ," and those words ' 天地ノ公道 ' (law of nature ) and ' 宇内の通儀 ' (orders of the whole world ) are considered to be the same meaning as ' bankoku koho ' (international law ). 五箇条の一つ「旧来の陋習を破り天地の公道に基くべし」、及びその原案「旧来の陋習を破り宇内の通義に従ふへし」に使われていることば「天地ノ公道」・「宇内の通義」は「万国公法」(国際法)の意味だとされる。
Shintoists of the hirata-ha school , who sympathized with atsutane hirata ' s way of thinking , and scholars of japanese classical literature from tsuwano domain proposed that the spirit of the meiji restoration should be based on the spirit of emperor jimmu and the restoration of imperial rule should make modern japan a country of ' saisei icchi ' (unity of religion and state ) and the declaration of the restoration of imperial rule contains the phrases " restoration of imperial rule " and " emperor jimmu " ; the restoration of imperial rule and ' doing everything as in the time of emperor jimmu ,' which until then had been advocated as ideals , became reality when building an actual country and took on public significance with the slogan of ' renewal of everything .' 平田篤胤の思想に共鳴した平田派の神道家たち、また津和野藩出身の国学者たちは明治維新の精神を神武天皇の精神に基くものとし、近代日本を王政復古による祭政一致の国家とすることを提唱していたが、王政復古の大号令には王政復古と神武天皇の語が見え、従来理想として唱えられていた王政復古と「諸事神武創業ノ始ニ原」くことが、実際の国家創生に際して現実性を帯び、「万機御一新」のスローガンとして公的な意義を持つようになったのであった。