it産業 information-technology industry〔 【略】 IT industry〕
Tango chirimen (silk crepe ) is a key industry , and takes advantage of the abundant water resources . その豊かな水源を用い、丹後ちりめんが基幹産業になっている。
Mura fushin refers to the development of facilities and infrastructures in villages where the key industries include agriculture , forestry and fishing . - 農林水産のいずれかが基幹産業である場合が多く、その付帯施設や基盤整備を指す。
Yoshimune tokugawa had a deep connection to whaling , which was one of the core industries of the kishu domain , and twice had the kujira-gumi (a whaling group ) of kumano-nada sea conduct large scale whaling expeditions combined with military exercises . 紀州藩の基幹産業の一つである捕鯨との関わりも深く、熊野灘の鯨組に軍事訓練を兼ねた大規模捕鯨を2度実施させている。
In areas where the key industries were agriculture , forestry , and fishing , various forms of fushin were executed through public works projects by the local government , such as fushin for constructing irrigation canals , ponds , logging roads , rafting routes , harbors and breakwaters . 農林水産業などが基幹産業である地域で自治や公共事業として灌漑用水路や溜池、林道や筏場、港湾や防波堤などの普請が行われてきた。