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  • base country
  • 基準     基準 きじゅん standard basis criteria norm
  •      国 くに country
  • 準国家    1. associated state 2. associated statehood
  • 準国民    second-class citizen
  • 準国営企業    parastatal enterprise
  • 準国有化    quasi-nationalization
  • 標準国家試験    standardized national exam [examination]
  • 基準    基準 きじゅん standard basis criteria norm
  • 準国営の日本の研究所    quasi governmental Japanese laboratory
  • ic基準    Ic基準 Ic criterion[金属]〈99H7005:超電導関連用語〉
  • 基準 1    1. baseline 2. basis 3. criteria〔criterion の複数形〕 4. criterion 5. fiducial〔プリント基板上などにある、加工工程で基準として用いられるマークなど。形容詞から転じて名詞扱い〕 6. fixed pivot 7. foot rule 8. implied datum 9. measure 10. norm 11. par 12.
  • 基準に    based only [solely] on〔~だけを〕
  • 基準の     【形】 canonical
  • 基準値    1. average level 2. criterion measure 3. reference value 4. standard value
  • 基準光    base light


  • In the process of reorganizing koden into myoden , former handen maps (map of allotted farmland ) were abolished and instead , kijunkokuzu (standardized map of provinces ), a register of koden , was made .
  • This change resulted in a mechanism in which an area of a field administered directly by a ruler and registered in the standardized map of provinces in the reform of the national administration from emperor uda to emperor daigo in the late ninth century was allocated to the rich and powerful class , and the tax was collected according to the area .
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