But rather , they design scenarios that are objectbased . 物を基点に 将来予測を デザインするのです
We could make a good base here . ここを基点にできる
At the same time , it changed the bus starting point to nishi-maizuru station and reorganized the timetable . 併せて、路線バスダイヤを西舞鶴駅基点に一新。
In christianity , the vernal equinox is used as a reference point when calculating the date of easter . キリスト教で復活祭の日付を算出するには、春分を基点としている。
In kumanokodo road (especially in kiiji route and in nakahechi ), there was kujuku oji , where nearly 100 kumano gongen were worshipped , extending from watanabe-no-tsu (kubotsu , kubotsu ) at the mouth of yodogawa-river , the base of osaka to kumano sanzan . 熊野古道(特に紀伊路、中辺路)には大阪の基点であった淀川河口の渡辺津(窪津、九品津)から熊野三山までに100近くの熊野権現を祭祀した九十九王子があった。
" bakuhan-taisei " is a historical concept of social system of early modern japan viewed basically from feudal homage between bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) (or seii-taishogun , literally " great general who subdues the barbarians ) and han (domains ) (or daimyo , meaning " feudal lords " ). 幕藩体制(ばくはんたいせい)とは、近世日本の社会体制のあり方を、幕府(征夷大将軍)と藩(大名)という封建制度的主従関係を基点にとらえた歴史学上の概念である。
Although yi dynasty korea had been beaten by the japanese army , the korean navy headed by yi sun-sin attacked , twice in may and june , actively fleet of ships that had been moving along the coast among troops at the rear of the japanese army that had been expanding the area under its control based at busan , and the japanese fleet of ships that had not prepared for the damages suffered . 日本軍に大きく後れを取った李氏朝鮮であったが、釜山を基点として支配領域を広げていた日本軍後方部隊のうち、海岸移動を行っていた船団に対して李舜臣率いる朝鮮水軍が4月と5月の二回の出撃で積極的に攻撃を加え、備えのない日本船団は被害を受けた。
This is the same treatment with the changes made in the imperial court of emperor tenmu in which the kabane of the clan corresponding to the head of clan was changed into muraji as the preliminary step before to get to yakusa no kabane (eight official titles conferred upon nobles by emperor tenmu in 684 ); emperor tenmu made this muraji (above the rank of shokini ) a base point and changed into four hereditary titles of above imiki . これは、天武朝において氏上に相当する氏が八色の姓に改姓する前段階として、まず連への改姓が行われ、この連=小錦位以上を基点として、忌寸以上の四つの姓へ改められたことと同様の対応である。
For the land divided into the units described above , the horizontal row of ri was called ' jo ' and the vertical row of ri was called ' ri ,' and from the base point that was arbitrary set , each section could be clearly indicated such as ichi-jo , ni-jo , and san-jo (first jo , second jo , and third jo ) vertically and ichi-ri , ni-ri , and san-ri (first ri , second ri , and third ri ) horizontally . 上述の単位に区画された土地において、里の横列を「条(じょう)」、里の縦列を「里(り)」とし、任意に設定された基点から、縦方向には一条、二条、三条と、横方向には一里、二里、三里というように、明快な位置表示が可能となっていた。
Ningai , the founder of the ono school of tomitsu (shingon sect ' s esoteric teaching ), established mandala-ji temple at ono , yamashina and founded the base for esoteric buddhism ' s practice , and kancho , younger than yakushin , who received the kanjo (a ceremony to be the successor ) from emperor uda at omuro-ninna-ji temple , founded the hirosawa school of tomitsu and established hensho-ji temple along the shores of hirosawa-no-ike pond , and others are thought to have been successors in practical training and contrasted with shobo , however , it should be interpreted that shobo as well as the hirosawa school of yakushin made important foundations in shingon-ji saho bunryu (branch schools in manners of shingon sect ), which was later called yataku sanjuroku-ryu (thirty-six schools of yataku (ono school and hirosawa school )) . 一方、山科小野の地に曼荼羅寺を建立して密教修行の活動拠点を築いた東密小野流の開祖/仁海、御室仁和寺で宇多天皇に灌頂を授けた益信の後進にして、広沢池ほとりに遍照寺を建立した東密広沢流の開祖/寛朝らが事相面の法孫として対照されるが、広沢流/益信とともに、後世野沢三十六流と呼ばれる真言事作法分流における重要な基点を創った法匠として捉える。