Imazu church , united church of christ in japan 日本基督教団今津教会会堂
1908: he published " origin of christianity ." 1908年(明治41年):『基督教の起源』出版。
United church of christ in japan imazu church 日本基督教団今津教会
" origin of christianity and another work " (iwanami bunko , iwanami shoten ) 『基督教の起源他一編』(岩波文庫・岩波書店)
As a result , there were no jiin-ho that took the form of codes , such as the canon law of christian churches . 基督教教会における教会法のような法典形式のものは存在しなかった。
Later he was involved in the establishment of the young men ' s christian association of tokyo (ymca of tokyo ). その後の吉岡は、東京基督教徒青年会(東京YMCA)創設に関与した。
Afterwards , he worked as a reporter of kirisutokyo shinbun (christian newspaper ) and osaka koron (newspaper advocating public opinions ). その後、基督教新聞や大阪公論の記者を務める。
In 1882-1883 , he was dispatched to shizuoka church (currently the united church of christ in japan shizuoka church ) located on sixth street , shizuoka city at that time . 明治15年~明治16年(1882年~1883年)頃、当時静岡市6丁目にあった静岡教会(現日本基督教団静岡教会)へ派遣され、伝道を行う。
Except for sacred books for religions born after recent times (the book of mormon , the book of the unification church ), there is no reason for them to be categorized as gisho regardless of whether or not they included falsehoods . 近世以降に派生した宗教の教典(モルモン書、世界基督教統一神霊協会)などを除けば、来歴に虚偽を含んでいようと、殊更に偽書呼ばわりされることはない。