- basal age
- 基礎 基礎 きそ foundation basis
- 年齢 年齢 ねんれい age years
- 齢 齢 よわい (one's) age
- 基礎年金 basic pension
- 老齢基礎年金 1. basic pension for the elderly 2. old age foundation pension 3. old-age basic pension
- 遺族基礎年金 1. basic pension for the bereaved 2. survivors' basic pension
- 障害基礎年金 1. basic disability benefit 2. basic pension for the disabled 3. disability basic pension
- 基礎年金の財源を賄う finance the basic pension
- 基礎年金財源の公費負担 public burden of the financial sources for pension payments
- 保険料を納めずに基礎年金を受給する pocket basic pension benefits without paying premiums
- 基礎年金の全額を税金で賄うこと full public funding of the basic pensions
- すべての高齢者に平等に基礎年金を支給する supply basic benefits equally to the entire elderly population
- 基礎年金の財源をめぐる調整に手間取る take time in coming to agreement on how to finance the basic pension
- 年齢 年齢 ねんれい age years
- 基礎 基礎 きそ foundation basis