The president personally takes part in product design which uses mainly three colors: empire red , black , and white . 商品デザインには社長も直接参画し、朱色、黒、白の3色を基調としている。
The taste of tamago kake gohan is based on the slight sweetness of rice and a raw egg , and the saltiness and richness of soy sauce . 卵かけご飯は飯と生卵のほのかな甘みと醤油の塩辛さとコクを味の基調としている。
What characterized the dynastic polity regime was the adoption of the principle of tax on land as a replacement for the principle of people-based governance , which had been the basic principle of the ritsuryo regime . 王朝国家体制の特質は、律令国家体制が基調としていた個別人身支配を放棄し、土地に対する課税・支配を基調とした点にあった。
In addition to the basic scenery of the thicket composed of quercus serratas , oaks , etc ., nanking cherries (prunus tomentosa ,) euonymus oxyphyllus , balloonflowers (bellflowers ,) etc . are also grown , providing a scenery full of rustic atmosphere . コナラ、クヌギ等による雑木林の景観を基調として、ユスラウメ、ツリバナ、キキョウ等を加え、野趣に富む景観を創出している。
Zenna ' s verse style , which followed the theme of ' manyoshu ' (collection of ten thousand leaves ), was considered old-fashioned , and gusai , his disciple and a leader of the next generation of renga poets , did not acknowledge it . 善阿の句風は「万葉集」を基調としていたことから古風と評され、次の時代の連歌師指導者で門弟であった救済には受け入れられなかった。
The character of the design is basically taken from kacho-fugetsu (beauty of nature: flower , birds , wind and moon , common japanese motifs for art ) and uses yusoku-monyo as juxtaposition pattern , or the kosode is patterned with embroidery and dyes all over the kimono , and has a similar atmosphere with kanbun kosode . 柄行きは「花鳥風月」を基調としており、有職文様を飛び柄で入れたり、着物全体をつかって刺繍や染めで文様が入っており、寛文小袖に似た雰囲気がある…などの特徴があった。
The kosho in , chusho in and shingoten have buildings with a half-hipped roof (irimoya zukuri ) and is roofed with shingles (kokera buki ) and all were built based upon the traditional japanese style of residential architecture that includes a tokonoma , there is a slight sukiya style (a house built in the style of a tea-ceremony house ) being used in the narrow wooden passageway of kosho in . 古書院、中書院、新御殿はいずれも入母屋造、柿葺(こけらぶき)で、書院造を基調としているが、古書院の縁側などには数寄屋風の要素も見られる。