To become virtualized in software ソフトウェア基軸の 機械インフラで
This system was succeeded to tokugawa shogunate which was basis for the currency in the edo period . これが徳川幕府に継承され、江戸時代の通貨の基軸となった。
The clothes at the time were basically made-to order , and was haute couture centered on the made-to order clothes . 当時の洋服は基本的に注文品で、オーダー服を基軸にしたオートクチュールだった。
The japanese traditional culture was founded based on the shinto religion and other religions while incorporating those , and has changed with times . 日本の伝統文化は、神道とその他の宗教を取り込みながら基軸とし、時代とともに変遷してきた。
It is said that budo (martial arts ) was also based on the shinto religion , and developed into arts having kaigan seishin (spiritual awakening ) and philosophy through practices after thoughts of taoism , confucianism and zen sect were added . また武道においても神道が基軸となり、それに道教や儒教、禅宗の思想などが加わって、修練による開眼精神と哲学を持った芸になったといわれる。
This book argues that waka (japanese poems ) should be based on the theory of " mono no aware " (the pathos of things ), and is usually regarded as the further development of the view of waka described in " ashiwakeobune " (treatise on waka poetry ). 内容はもののあはれの説を基軸として和歌のありうべきすがたを論じたもので、通常は『排蘆小船』の和歌観をさらに展開させたものと考えられる。
In the edo period , the bakufu started to enforce tenpo , and in the early of the period , the basic policy of tenpo was to transfer the tozama daimyo (nonhereditary feudal lord ) to regional areas and to transfer the daimyo on the tokugawa clan ' s side (called the shinpan [tokugawa ' s relatives ] and the fudai [hereditary vassals ]) to the former territories of the tozama daimyo . 江戸時代に入り、幕府による転封が行われるが、その初期は外様大名の地方転出、その跡への徳川系大名(親藩・譜代)の進出を基軸として行われた。
After the issue of nanryo nishu silver coins in 1772 , the amount of circulation of denomination silver coins with the unit of ryo (a base unit ), bu and shu , began to increase , and in 1837 , when ichibu gin silver coins were issued , these coins came to surpass that of the currencies by weight , such as chogin , so silver coins were incorporated in the currency system of gold coin (koban ). の南鐐二朱銀発行以降、次第に両を基軸とする、分、朱の単位をもつ計数銀貨が増加し始め、1837年の一分銀発行に至って、丁銀のような秤量銀貨を凌駕するようになり、銀貨は小判の通貨体系に組み込まれることになった。
Like that , ieyasu ' s ideal was the unification of the currency of the whole country using currency unit ' ryo ' based on koban , however , he was forced to follow the existing system due to cumbersome calculation of quaternary and powerful merchants who used a silver-by-weight standard for real value reasons who couldn ' t be supressed by authority . このように家康は小判を基軸とする「両」の貨幣単位による通貨の全国統一を理想としたが、四進法の計算の煩雑性、実質を重視する観点などから秤量銀貨を使用する商人の力は依然として強大で権力で抑えるまでには至らず、既存の体系を其のまま踏襲する形となったとされる。
This is said to have occurred because the government was afraid that the social influence of usa hachiman-gu shrine , which was said to be a shrine that originally worshipped a local god of kyushu region , grew so much that it would become a threat to the religious order centered on the imperial family , imperial household religious rites formed by the ritsuryo system and the nation protection thought , and buddhism . これは本来は九州地方固有の神を祀った神社であったとも言われている宇佐八幡宮の社会的影響力の増大が、皇室と律令制・鎮護国家が形成する皇室祭祀と仏教を基軸とする宗教的秩序に対する脅威になる事を危惧したからだと言われている。