It will give you the same kind of robust architecture that i described . 私がこれまで説明したのと同じような堅牢な構造を得ることになるでしょう。
It is said that they showed great efficiency in an attack against a castle constructed of hard stone . 堅牢な石の組積造でできた城の城攻めにおいては多大な効果を発揮したといわれる。
It was a solid castle which was easy to defend , but less convenient in terms of transportation and conveying water to the area , and not an ideal place for living and attending to government affairs . 守るに堅牢な城ではあったが、水・交通の便が悪く政務・居住には不向きであった。
The strength of castle walls came to be more important later in the period , and most castle walls after the ming dynasty which remain as ruins in various parts of china were made of solid bricks . 時代が下るとさらに城壁の強度が求められ、現在中国各地に遺構として残る明以後の城壁はその多くが堅牢なレンガ造りである。