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  • 1. duty to report
    2. reporting obligation
    3. reporting requirements
    4. reporting responsibility


  • And we can lose this with the very noble idea
    しかし 高貴な理想に駆られ 人々に報告義務を課し
  • I'm at fault too for failing to report it .
    その報告義務を怠った 私の責任もあります
  • Now , some would call that fraud in service of concealing a felony .
    重罪を隠すのは報告義務に 反していると思いますが
  • You neglected to inform us , which is a violation of your parole , therefore ...
    報告義務を怠ったことは 保釈時の規約に違反する それゆえ...
  • It is thought that even when parents used their right of kuikaeshi , they were obliged to report to the shogunate afterward .
  • Each country has to collect and report basic figures to estimate the fluctuation of the amounts of various emissions and of forest absorption , which are necessary for the management of emission amount of greenhouse gases by united nations framework convention on climate change and kyoto protocol (articles 3 and 7 of kyoto protocol , obligation of information report ).
    気候変動枠組条約および京都議定書による温室効果ガス排出量管理に必要な各種排出量および森林吸収量の変化を推計するための基礎的数値については、各国が集計し報告することとなっている(京都議定書 5条・7条、情報の報告義務)。
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