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  • in reprisal


  • I take out zhishan and the triad retaliates .
    ショーンを連れ出せば トライアドは報復に来るわ
  • If it comes to that , you know i'll stand behind you .
    報復に行くなら 貴方を手伝います
  • You didn't want the crew located once they abandoned ship .
  • You think the governor will retaliate ?
  • That doesn't mean there wasn't someone out there looking to settle an old score .
    犯人は他にいる 報復には 注意してるだろう
  • That doesn't mean there wasn't someone out there looking to settle an old score .
    犯人は他にいる 報復には 注意してるだろう
  • So pardillo is a respectful angel of vengeance looking to honor the customs of his wouldbe victim ?
    だから パディロは 犯人の習慣に 敬意を示すつつ報復に出るというのか?
  • The prison officer's murder has been claimed by the ira in retaliation for what it calls the inhuman treatment of their colleagues in the maze prison .
    刑務官の 殺人が主張されている IRAの報復による非人道的扱いに 複雑化する刑務所問題
  • The prison officer's murder has been claimed by the ira in retaliation for what it calls the inhuman treatment of their colleagues in the maze prison .
    刑務官の 殺人が主張されている iraの報復による非人道的扱いに 複雑化する刑務所問題
  • I had my target , i had my finger on the trigger , but i realized that as certain as i was that these people deserved retribution , that life was infinitely more complicated than that .
    私には標的がいた 引き金に指を掛けてた だが 避けられない事だと悟った この人達は報復に値したから
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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