- 場馴れ
- 不馴れ 不馴れ ふなれ inexperienced unfamiliar (with)
- 人馴れ 人馴れ ひとなれ used to people tame
- 馴れた 馴れた なれた domesticated tame
- 馴れる 馴れる なれる to become domesticated to become tame to get too familiar with
- 馴れ馴れしい 馴れ馴れしい なれなれしい over-familiar
- 馴れ馴れしく → なれなれしく
- 世馴れる 世馴れる よなれる to become used to the (ways of the) world to become worldly or sophisticated
- 人馴れる 人馴れる ひとなれる to become accustomed to people
- 仕馴れる 仕馴れる しなれる to be used to doing to be experienced in
- 聞き馴れる 聞き馴れる ききなれる to get used to hearing
- 見馴れる 見馴れる みなれる to become used to seeing to be familiar with
- 馴れ初め 馴れ初め なれそめ start of a romance beginning of love
- 馴れ合い 馴れ合い なれあい collusion conspiracy illicit intercourse liaison
- 馴れ合いの 馴れ合いの adj. cozy [時にけなして] 結託した, なれ合いの. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 馴れ合い)
- 馴れ合う 馴れ合う なれあう to collude (with) to conspire (with) to establish a secret liaison (with) to make friends with to get along well with to become intimate (with opposite sex)