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  • 1. build a tower
    2. erect a tower


  • And as he built the eiffel tower
  • Before the tower was built
  • Creating ihai and building a tower mean the same (this applies to sotoba , too ).
  • There also used to be a small reservoir in town before the tower was built , but ollie's well sapped that , too .
    塔を建てる前には 小さな貯水池が有ったけど オリーの井戸のせいで これも枯れた
  • In other sects , ihai has the meaning of a religious service , and also building a tower is considered to be a religious service .
  • There are cases where zen temples include pagodas , but they are built outside the center of a garan and do not have organic meaning as part of a garan layout .
  • It is not clear whether the plan to build a set of pagodas in the east and the west was canceled , or whether the original plan was to build only one pagoda .
  • It is not clear whether the plan to build a set of pagodas in the east and the west was canceled , or whether the original plan was to build only one pagoda .
  • When yoritomo died , yasuyori was still alive and would live for a further 20 years , and thus yoritomo could not possibly have erected a memorial column for yasuyori .
  • During the awards and punishments after the 1572 battle of kizakihara , hisanobu received orders from yoshihiro shimazu to erect a rokujizo (six-jizo ) pagoda to mourn for the warriors killed in the battle , those from both the shimazu and ito armies alike .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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