人口が多い 1. be thickly inhabited 2. be thickly populated 3. have a large population
会員が多い 1. have a large membership 2. have a large number of members
The chips and the jerky are high in sodium . チップスやジャーキーは 塩分が多い
The chips and the jerky are high in sodium . チップスやジャーキーは 塩分が多い
They have a very long shelf life but a high salt content (with salinity of about 20% ), which makes them very salty . 保存性に優れているが、塩分が多い(塩分20%前後)ためとても塩辛い。
Up in the north atlantic , after that heat is pulled out , what's left behind is colder water and saltier water because the salt doesn't go anywhere . 北太平洋で熱が放出された後 置いてきぼりにされるのは冷たい 海水と塩分が多い海水です なぜなら塩分はどこへも行け ないからです
Because nuka-zuke is a preserved food and includes a lot of salt , obviously you should take care not to eat too much that would that would result in an over consumption of salt . 糠漬けは保存食品であり当然塩分が多いため、塩分の過剰摂取にならないよう気をつけるべきである。