The ryukyu kingdom and the ezo area (the hokkaido areas except for the oshima peninsula occupied by wajin - japanese: persons whose origin was the main japanese lands , - sakhalin and kurile islands ) were controlled through the daimyo concerned . 日本の境界領域である琉球王国と蝦夷地(和人地である渡島半島を除く北海道、樺太及び千島列島)の支配は大名を通じて行なわれた。
In the process , the government placed the former ryukyu kingdom , the ezo area except sakhalin (almost all areas of hokkaido and kurile islands ) and ogasawara islands (bonin islands ) completely into the japanese territories , fixing the boundaries of japan . その過程で日本の境界領域であった旧琉球王国領域や、樺太を除く蝦夷地(北海道の大部分と千島列島)、小笠原諸島を完全に日本の領域内におき、国境を画定した。