Each increment gets a serial number and a certificate 各増分にシリアル番号と証明書が出され
The additional fief of 20 ,000 koku from the ieharu period was forfeited on leap october 5 , and in addition , he was ordered to give up his property in his warehouse (kurayashiki ) in osaka and hand over his edo residence . 閏10月5日には家治時代の加増分の2万石を没収され、さらに大坂にある蔵屋敷の財産の没収と江戸屋敷の明け渡しも命じられた。
When he succeeded his father as the lord of his domain , he not only forfeited his right to the 1 ,000 koku that he had previously been awarded , but also gave away the right to 3 ,000 koku that his father had been awarded in addition to the rice yields from his own domain to his two younger brothers , masayoshi takagi and masafusa takagi . このとき、家督相続前に与えられていた1000石は没収され、父が生前に与えられていた3000石の加増分も高木正好、高木正房の2人の弟に分与した。