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  • growth rate
  • 増大     増大 ぞうだい enlargement
  •      率 りつ rate ratio proportion percentage
  • 拡大率    拡大率 かくだいりつ rate of magnification magnification power
  • 基線拡大率    基線拡大率 base magnification[基礎]
  • 面拡大率    面拡大率 areal modul[地球]
  • 増大    増大 ぞうだい enlargement
  • 帯域幅拡大率    帯域幅拡大率 bandwidth expansion factor[電情]
  • 顕微鏡の拡大率    magnifying power of a microscope
  • 増大 1    1. accretion 2. augmentation 3. enlargement 4. growth 5. increase 6. increment 7. intensification 8. multiplication 9. swelling 10. swollenness 増大 2 【連結】 auxo- 増大 3 enhancement〔機能などの〕
  • 増大号    増大号 ぞうだいごう an enlarged issue
  • 増大期    enlargement stage
  • 増大法    enlargement method
  • すすの増大    accretion of soot
  • コスト増大    cost escalation
  • 乳房増大術    augmentation mammaplasty
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