So our hope is to eventually build brain coprocessors 障害者の機能を増強するために
Sort of computing what the brain needs 脳の情報処理を増強するのに必要なものを
He's young , he's handsome . he's bright . nobody knows who he is outside of philadelphia . 党の資金で始め 彼を増強する
He steadily strengthened the shogun ' s authority by reinforcing the hokoshu (guard force under shogun ' s direct control ), which was under his direct control . 直轄軍である奉公衆を増強するなどして着実に将軍の権力を強化した。
Furthermore , in the same year , part of the beiyang military faction led by yuan shikai was deployed to manchuria to reinforce policing and security , and offer a bulwark against japanese and russian movements . さらに同年には袁世凱の北洋軍閥の一部が満洲に駐留し、警察力・防衛力を増強するとともに、日露の行動への歯止めをかけた。
In march (in the old calendar ) of 1600 , ieyasu was informed by hideharu hori in echigo province and by yoshiaki mogami in dewa province that kagekatsu uesugi in aizu province was making a disquieting movement of increasing armaments . 慶長5年(1600年)3月、越後国の堀秀治、出羽国の最上義光らから、会津の上杉景勝に軍備を増強する不穏な動きがあるという知らせを受けた。
In the kofun (tumulus ) period , beni had not been introduced into japan yet and people used mineral pigments such as minium and cinnabar to decorate their bodies with red , and noble men mainly applied such pigments to their faces and bodies in order to enhance their vitality . 日本に紅が伝来する前の古墳時代において身を飾る赤といえば丹や朱と呼ばれる鉱物性の顔料であり、多くは身分の高い男性が顔や体に塗りつけ己の生命力を増強する目的で用いられた。
However , its effectiveness is unclear as maintenance of the seedling supply system is ongoing (the plan is to increase the supply of low-pollen japanese cedar seedlings to approximately 11 million by the year 2017 ) and forest owners find it difficult to consider felling or transplantation due to the low price of cedar wood . ただし、苗木供給体制の整備が進行中(少花粉スギの苗木供給を平成29年までに約1,100万本へ増強する計画)であること、森林所有者がスギ材価の低迷で伐採・植え替えに応じにくい環境にあることから、実行性はなお不透明である。
Thus takahashi recommended ino to the bakufu and asked for permission to measure a degree of the meridian by surveying north kanto and tohoku regions on his way to and from ezochi (inhabited area of ainu , the present hokkaido ) which he would survey as well because coastal defense had to be strengthened there in case of an advance southward of the russian empire . そこで高橋は幕府に伊能を推薦し、当時ロシア帝国南下の脅威に備えて海岸線防備を増強する必要があった蝦夷地(現在の北海道)の測量を兼ねて、その往復の北関東・東北地方を測量することで子午線1度の測定を行わせるよう願い出た。