On august 2 , a proposal for a tax increase was announced . 8月2日には増税案を発表。
Of the rich being taxed more . お金持ちへの増税案を 支持していないことです
In 1900 , kizokuin voted against ito ' s tax increase proposal using the partisan interests of seiyukai party as the reason . 1900年、伊藤の増税案に対して、貴族院は政友会の党利党略を理由にこれを否決した。
However , the study group (the house of peers ), which is the largest parliamentary faction in the house of peers (japan ) and which still believed in the doctrine of superiority , not only passed a resolution to refuse ito ' s request to join his party , but also rallied five factions (sawa kai , asahi kurabu , koshi kai , mokuyo kai , mushozoku dan ) and rejected a tax-increase bill to raise military expenditure for the boxer rebellion in 1901 , which forced the ito cabinet to resign en masse . だが、依然として超然主義を奉じる貴族院_(日本)最大会派の研究会_(貴族院)は伊藤の入党要請を拒絶する会派決議を行ったばかりでなく、1901年北清事変の軍費捻出のための増税案を他の5会派(茶話会・朝日倶楽部・庚子会・木曜会・無所属団)を糾合して否決、伊藤内閣を総辞職に追い込んだ。