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"増資"の例文"増資" 意味"増資" 中国語の意味


  • 増資
    increase of capital
  • 増資株    1. additional share 2. additional stocks 3. newly-issued share
  • 増資案    capital increase [expansion, boost,] plan
  • 増資額    capital increase [expansion, boost, increment]
  • 公募増資    1. capital increase by public offering 2. capital increase through public offering 3. public stock offerings
  • 増資する    1. increase capital 2. increase one's stake in 3. increase one's stock 4. increase their stock
  • 増資を行う    increase one's stake in
  • 増資新株    newly-issued stocks
  • 増資計画    planned capital expansion
  • 有償増資    1. issues requiring the payment 2. paid capital increase 3. paid-in capital increase
  • 無償増資    1. free capital increase 2. stock gratis
  • 過大増資    1. capital padding 2. stock watering
  • 増資権利落ち    増資権利落ち ぞうしけんりおち ex-rights (stock)
  • 時価発行増資    capital increase by new shares at market price
  • 株主割当増資    capital increase through shareholder allocation
  • 増資を計画する    plan to increase capital


  • There's just some papers he needs to sign for the stock offering .
    ええ 彼の署名が 必要な書類があります 増資のために
  • There's just some papers he needs to sign for the stock offering .
    ええ 彼の署名が 必要な書類があります 増資のために
  • By accepting financing from foster , the initial capital gain will be 20 billion .
    フォスターの資本受け入れによる 初回増資額は200億円
  • In 1995 , the capital was increased to thirty million yen and the company was changed into a kabusiki kaisha (joint-stock company ).
  • November 29 , 1991: the eizan electric railway increased its capital through keihan electric railway (holding 60% of shares ).
    1991年(平成3年)11月29日 京阪電気鉄道により増資(出資比率60%)。
  • In 1943 , showa kogyo , shinjuku kogyo and keihin kogyo merged , increasing their capital to 500 ,000 yen , and the company expanded to manage a total of seven theaters .
  • In may 1949 , capital was increased to fifty million yen , and in september of that year ryotoku higa was appointed president , taking over the post formerly held by kurokawa .
  • Within the same year , the gotanda toyoko theatre was reconstructed , a movie theater opened in shinjuku and tamagawaen was purchased , increasing the capital to three million yen .
  • In september , capital was increased to twenty million yen and the daiei no . 2 studio became the toyoko movie studio , commencing movie production by people from the former manchuria film association .
  • September 27 , 1924: at the extraordinary shareholders ' meeting of the keihan electric railway company , the acquisition of the railway business of keishin electric tramway at a cost of 3 .25 million yen , as well as the merger with keishin electric tramway , was resolved , and the capital of keihan electric railway company was increased to 50 .77 million yen .
    1924年(大正13年)9月27日 - 京阪電気鉄道株式会社の臨時株主総会において、京津電気軌道株式会社の軌道事業を325万円で譲り受け、同社を合併することが決議されるとともに、京阪電気鉄道株式会社の資本金が5,077万円に増資
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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