高校生のうちで最大多数を占める make up the largest number of high school students
約半数を占める 1. account for approximately half of 2. comprise about half of〔~の〕
The majority of jidaigeki are swordfighting dramas . 時代劇の大多数を占める。
The provisions they had brought froze , which forced most of the soldiers to suffer from no food . 携帯した食料類は凍りついてしまい食事を取らない兵士が大多数を占める事態となった。
The cabinet , most of which members are the constituent members of hanbatsu , are called hanbatsu (han-dominated ) government . 藩閥の構成員が閣僚の多数を占める内閣 (日本)を、藩閥政府あるいは藩閥内閣という。
As a result , katata-monto , organized by many zenjin-shu , majority in katata , enhanced their power and took the leadership position in katata-shu . その結果、人口の多数を占める全人衆の多数が組織していた堅田門徒の発言力が高まり、堅田衆の指導的地位を獲得するようになった。
Most of the unearthed potteries were local ones , but some were kanto-style haji potteries and a small number of kinai-style haji potteries called asuka type iii were also found . 発掘された土器の中で多数を占めるのは地元のものだが、関東系土師器もあり、飛鳥III式と呼ばれる畿内系土師器も少数出土している。
Since ancient times , most uchiwa fan have had a structure of one main center ' rod ,' which also becomes a handle part , and a ' frame ' for fixing the material , which shapes the outline of the fan part . 古代以来、構造は中心に柄と一体である「棒」を通し、扇部分の縁を「枠」によって素材を固定する例が多数を占める。
Since there are only about 250 family names in korea and family names such as kim , ri , bag , choe , and jeong (the five major names ) hold a majority , people have identified each other by connecting hongan and the family names . 朝鮮の姓は約250と少なく、金、李、朴、崔、鄭(5大姓)などの姓が多数を占めるため、本貫と姓をつなげる事でお互いを区別してきた面もある。
According to this philosophy , shoko (to burn incense ) and kenka (to offer flowers ) are performed in the catholic funeral rites in japan , which indicates close attention is paid to the fact that non-catholic attendees are a majority in many cases . この精神に従って日本での葬儀では焼香や献花が行われ、カトリック信徒でない参列者が多数を占めることが多いという現実が配慮されている。
But in fact , those group members who held a peerage (a rank in the nobility ) refused to honor this arrangement , and so it was only those who were in the house of peers by imperial decree and the high taxpayers , who in fact comprised the majority of the doyokai , that participated in the merger and thereby formed the doseikai . 結果的に有爵議員はこれに従わず、会の多数を占める勅撰議員と多額納税議員のみが合同に参加して同成会を結成した。