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"委託する"の例文"委託する" 意味


  • 委託する
    (見出しへ戻る headword ? 委託)


  • To consign the ring to an auctioneer .
    前線の大きい町で 競売屋さんに委託するために
  • Or , to entrust kaiki and kaizan to a person and a priest to found a temple .
  • We cannot entrust national security to teenagers unless i missed a policy paper .
    我々は、国家の安全を委託することはできません ティーンエイジャーへ 私は、政策文書を逃した場合を除きます。
  • This memorandum stated that the postal , telegraph and telecommunication services managed by the korean government should be commissioned to the japanese government .
  • Doshisha elementary school , which had commissioned ichizawa hanpu to manufacture school rucksacks , announced they would entrust the manufacturing to ichizawa shinzaburo hanpu co ., ltd .
  • In the single distilled shochu industry , big barley shochu makers in oita often outsource the production of barley shochu to sweet potato shochu makers in kagoshima and miyazaki during their off-season .
  • The operation of certain bus routes has been entrusted to private companies (the operation of all bus routes in yamashina ward and the eastern area of fushimi ward has been transferred to keihan bus , nearly all the routes in northern sakyo ward have been entrusted to kyoto bus , and the operation of some routes in the western and southern areas have been entrusted to private companies ).
  • To improve access to areas along the jr and kintetsu lines from the central area of kyoto city via kyoto station , the traffic research laboratory for promoting better urbanization of kyoto--a business association established by local store operators--started its operation on december 1 , 2007 using the system in which the laboratory entrusts the operation to the kyoto municipal transportation bureau .
  • In august 1869 , kagenori discussed with shigenobu okuma who was okura no taifu (a senior assistant minister of the ministry of treasury ), hiroshi nakai , hisanari machida , etc . concerning new currency issuance at the residence of okuma (later okuma decided to consign the new mint ' s design to natsuo kano in metal carving , tomoo masuda and two other people who were all kano ' s apprentices , and the calligraphic characters to tanko ishii , a calligrapher who worked for the ministry of treasury .)
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