- 1. delegitimation
2. loss of prestige
- 威信 威信 いしん dignity
- 失墜 失墜 しっつい abasement fall forfeit sink (in men's estimation)
- 威信の低下 lowering of (the [one's]) prestige
- 威信の回復 salvage of one's dignity
- 信用の失墜 collapse of credit
- 信頼の失墜 fallen credibility
- 威厳の失墜 loss of dignity
- 威信を失墜する lose one's dignity
- 権威の失墜を招く lead to the downfall of the authority
- 法の権威の失墜 abasement of the law
- 父親の権威の失墜 diminished authority of fathers
- 威信のある基準の上に on the prestigious basis
- 教師としての威信の衰退 decline of the prestige of educators
- 権威の失墜をもたらす lead to the downfall of the authority
- 失墜 失墜 しっつい abasement fall forfeit sink (in men's estimation)