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"婚姻の"の例文"婚姻の" 意味


  • 【形】
    1. conjugal
    2. connubial
    3. hymeneal
    4. marital
    5. matrimonial


  • I guess annulment is still an option .
  • The fingerprint on the forehead was the stamp of marriage .
    額に残された指紋は 婚姻の印。
  • The fingerprint on the forehead was the stamp of marriage .
    額に残された指紋は 婚姻の印。
  • When argentina embraced marriage equality
    アルゼンチンが 婚姻の平等を容認した時
  • When argentina embraced marriage equality
    アルゼンチンが 婚姻の平等を容認した時
  • Bullfrog died of marriage ceremonies !
    婚姻のしきたりの破壊者 ウシガエル!
  • Would my liege place his hand here to receive the signifying bond ?
    婚姻のきずなを受け取るために ここに手を
  • Then you should be pleased to learn your father has granted me your hand in marriage .
    それなら父上に 婚姻の許可を得た事を 喜ぶべきだ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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