- 【自動】
- 嫌悪 嫌悪 けんお disgust hate repugnance
- 抱く 抱く いだく だく to embrace to hug to harbour to entertain `to sleep with'
- く く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
- 憎悪を抱く harbor hatred against〔~に〕
- 嫌悪感を抱く 1. feel repulsion (toward) 2. harbor a dislike for 3. nourish a distaste for〔~に〕
- 嫌悪を抱かせる 【他動】 revolt
- 嫌悪の念を抱く 1 1. feel an aversion 2. have a hatred 嫌悪の念を抱く 2 have an aversion (to)〔~に対して〕
- 強い嫌悪感を抱く 1. be repulsed by 2. develop a loathing for〔~に〕
- 互いに嫌悪感を抱くこと mutual hate
- 対して病的嫌悪を抱いている have a phobia about〔~に〕
- わがままな振る舞いに嫌悪感を抱く be repelled by someone's selfish behavior〔人の〕
- 不潔な状態に強い嫌悪感を抱く be repulsed by the filthy conditions
- 不潔な状況に強い嫌悪感を抱く be repulsed by the filthy conditions
- 汚い状態に強い嫌悪感を抱く be repulsed by the filthy conditions
- 汚い状況に強い嫌悪感を抱く be repulsed by the filthy conditions