命を受けて 1. at the behest of 2. under commission from 3. under the order from〔~の〕
In 1562 , the year after naomasa was born , his father naochika ii was killed by ujizane imagawa on suspicion of rebellion . 父の井伊直親は、直政の生まれた翌、永禄5年(1562年)に謀反の嫌疑を受けて今川氏真に誅殺される。
Chikasada assisted motochika as an influential person of the family , but his child chikazane , was killed on suspicion for a rebellious act . 親貞は一門の実力者としてよく元親を補佐したが、その子親実が謀叛の嫌疑を受けて殺されした。