Nothing that threatens our national security . 我が国家の安全を脅かすものさえもない
To have a dialogue and debate about how we can 国の安全を脅かすことなく
There are terrorists and other serious national security threats テロリストや 国家の安全を脅かす人々に対しては
Have been a near constant presence 国際安全を脅かす存在として
We consider the death of professor ames and the theft of his work to be a matter of national security . 盗みは国の安全を脅かす
I work for the fbi in fringe division ... dealing with weird and mysterious events that threaten the safety of the united states and its residents . fbiのフリンジ課よ 合衆国の安全を脅かすような 奇妙で不可解な事件を扱う─
I work for the fbi in fringe division ... dealing with weird and mysterious events that threaten the safety of the united states and its residents . FBIのフリンジ課よ 合衆国の安全を脅かすような 奇妙で不可解な事件を扱う─