By specifying a certain tax rate for land price , tax revenue did not fluctuate by the crop yields of agricultural crops like before and the government could secure stable tax revenue . 税率を地価に対する一定率とすることにより、従前のように農作物の豊凶により税収が変動することなく、政府は安定した収入を確保することができるようになった。
On april 19 the following year , ako-jo castle was surrendered to the castle management army led by yasuteru wakisaka , lord of the tatsuno domain in the neighbouring province , and kinsada kinoshita , lord of ashimori domain of bicchu province . 翌日4月19日、隣国竜野藩の藩主脇坂安照と備中足守藩の藩主木下公定率いる収城軍勢に赤穂城を明け渡した。
The tax rate was calculated with a fixed rate to the value of the land; the rate was 3%; in deciding this percentage , the meiji government figured out with ' the goal of receiving the tax revenue which was not below that of the edo shogunate received .' 税率を地価に対する一定率(3%:「旧来ノ歳入ヲ減ゼザルヲ目的」として算定)とした。