In recent years , however , it is thought that ommyodo developed as follows; the ommyo-gogyo-setsu theory , that combined the theory of ommyo (the yin and yang ), which considers that the universe has been derived from the yin and yang , and the theory of gogyo-shiso , which considers that the universe consists of the five elements of wood , fire , earth , metal , and water , developed uniquely in japan into a practical fortune telling technique that could serve human needs based upon the auspicious and inauspicious signs obtained by observing the yin and yang in nature and changes in the five elements , while being affected by shinto , taoism , and buddhism . しかし、近年では、陰陽五行説が、自然界の万物は陰と陽の二気から生ずるとする陰陽と、万物は木・火・土・金・水の五行からなるとする五行思想を組み合わせ、自然界の陰陽と五行の変化を観察して瑞祥・災厄を判断し、人間界の吉凶を占う実用的技術として日本で受容され、神道、道教、仏教などからも様々な影響を受け取って日本特異の発展を遂げた結果誕生したものと考えられている。