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  • He who drinks a little too much drinks much too much.
  • 少量     少量 しょうりょう small dose small quantity narrowmindedness
  • がら     がら 柄 pattern design
  • 飲む     飲む のむ to drink
  • 回数     回数 かいすう number of times frequency
  • すぎ     すぎ 杉 Japanese cedar 過ぎ past after
  • 過ぎ     過ぎ すぎ past after
  • わり     わり 割 割り rate ratio proportion percentage profit assignment 10% unit of ten
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • ながら     ながら 乍 though notwithstanding while during both all while doing although
  • 変わり     変わり かわり change alteration difference strangeness
  • 飲み過ぎ     飲み過ぎ のみすぎ overdrinking excessive drinking
  • 変わりない     not make any difference
  • 小食でも回数が多過ぎれば、肥満のもと。    Often and little eating makes a man fat.
  • 特に変わりない    without particular distinction
  • 人数が多すぎては台無し。    A crowd is not company.〔 【類】 Two is company, three is none [crowd].〕
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